86 769 81558571mail:edison@wellton-china.com ChineseEnglish
Contact Us

Wellton Plastic Mould (Dongguan) Limited

TEL:86 769 81558571

FAX:86 769 81558571


Address:No. 5 Xinhui Road, Changan Town, Dongguan City

Online Enquiryhome > CONTACT US > Online Enquiry
Contact information
* Company Name
* Mail
* Phone
Project information
* Part Name
* Part number
* Weight
* Total Measurement
* Material
Is there a drawing?
Do you need to print?
Project information
How many cavity numbers are required?
Is there a mold?
Additional message
Does the part require UV protection?
Does the part have a texture?
Estimated annual order quantity
Does the part need to be assembled?
Other opinions
How did you hear about Huading?
